Rydel Lynch and Ellington Ratliff continue on their cuteness tour with this new shot from Instagram.
The couple, and R5 bandmates, shared the image after wrapping up their three sold out shows on the Sometime Last Night tour.
“thank you for all the love japan. I FREAKING LOVE YOU!” Rydel captioned.
During their trip, Rydel and Ellington also stopped by the Owl Village in Harajuku, where they met an owl named Bob.
“practiced our meditation with Bob the owl..that’s his actual name I didn’t just come up with that. If I WERE to name this owl for the purpose of this post I would’ve gone with something with some pizzaz like hootie or whatever but his name is bob,” Ellington wrote.

Source: Rydel Lynch & Ellington Ratliff Say Goodbye To Japan With Cute Instagrams | Ellington Ratliff, R5, Riker Lynch, rikerlynch, Rydel Lynch | Just Jared Jr. | http://www.justjaredjr.com/2016/01/15/rydel-lynch-ellington-ratliff-say-goodbye-to-japan-with-cute-instagrams/?trackback=tsmclip
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